Monday, May 26, 2008

Farewell Festivities

Well, Abe and I had a very successful going away party yesterday. The party was great and there is no other way I would've wanted to exit Florida - party on the beach during the day and walk up to Jackie's as the sun was setting to do a little BBQing. We had lots of fun and most of our friends turned up to wish us well. Ika (our puppy) had her first beach experience and she loved it! She's a very good swimmer and she had fun eating the sand and playing with all the other dogs. We're going to miss Florida and certainly all our friends here, but it was nice to be together with all of them one last time before we leave. Thanks Jackie, for throwing a GREAT party for us (as Stewie would say)!

Photos to be added to flickr site soon!


lismox said...

Amanda, I ran across your blog in a strange way -- a friend had posted the PBCLS list in her del.ici.ous links.

It's Lisa, who used to work with you @ JB. I see you're moving...where to? Best of luck, and congrats on cutting the dreads. You will do fine!

Take care.

Amanda said...

Hi Lisa!

How are you?! Thanks for commenting (you're my first one! :-). Yes, we're moving to Oregon...on Sautrday!! I can't believe it's actually happening, and so soon! We've still got lots to do before we leave, but we're super excited.

I'll be sure to follow your blogs, now that I know they exist. Keep in touch!

lismox said...

Congratulations Amanda! Did you get a job out there? I am following your travels on the blog and it looks like so much fun. Good luck and be safe.