Friday, June 20, 2008

Wi-Fi! And Jobs.

We finally have wi-fi at our house! Yay! I was kind of going crazy without internet at home, even though I could go to the library, a coffee shop, or our friend's house. It's just so convenient to have it at home and what that means for you? Now I can update my blog, flickr and facebook much more often and in a timelier manner. Aren't you excited? :-)

I had an interview for a librarian position in Corvallis on Monday. I just got a call that they offered the position to someone else, so the job search continues. But it's ok really. We really want to stay in the Hood River area, so I don't know that I would actually have taken the job had it been offered to me. But the interview experience was good to have either way. They actually sent me the interview questions beforehand, and can I just say that I wish everybody would do that? It is so nice to be able to be prepared. And like one of my interviewers said, it's not a game, they just want to know what we know. It totally took so much of the pressure off and I was able to hit key points and not freak out because I couldn't think of what I wanted to say in the moment (which happens to me quite a lot). Anyway, she also said she likes to offer interviewees feedback and advice for interviewing better next time, but she said that I did a really good job and she really didn't have any advice for me. Which I guess is a good thing, but doesn't help me all that much. She also said that they were very impressed with my Floating Librarian Position (so if anyone from PBCLS is reading this, thank you again, and do your best to keep that position going!).

So now I'm working on finding job(s) around town. I walked around downtown yesterday and several businesses were open to taking my resume, so I'm going back today to pass it out. And actually, I think it'll be kind of nice to do something different for a while. I've applied for a position at the brewery our friend is opening, and I checked in on the part-time Hood River library job yesterday which still isn't posted yet. So there are some possibilities on the horizon, but so far nothing too immediate. And of course I have my eyes open for any library jobs in the area, but there seems to be a shortage at the moment.

Anyway, that's the update on the job situation. And in the mean time I'm enjoying my time off. I know this doesn't happen too often in life, so I'm enjoying it while I can (and trying not to spend too much money in the mean time ;-).

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