Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This is harder than I thought

Ok, I'm just going to do it - my first post in almost a month - because if I don't, I'll just keep procrastinating. So obviously there has been a lot going on since my last post. Of course I won't go into it all, but there are a few major things that need addressing.

First, my birthday! I had a really great day (even though Abe wasn't there, but more on that in a second), considering I turned 20 something for the last time ever. ;-) Ika and I went on a beautiful hike to Mirror Lake (photos to come soon), then I had lunch downtown and did some shopping - just what a girl all alone on her birthday needs. It was fun and I got some really cute stuff. That night I worked at the brewery, which was actually good because I got to be around some friends and drink some beers and have some yummy dinner. So it turned out to be a great birthday. The next day Abe and I celebrated by going out for Italian dinner.

Second, Abe's new job (the reason he wasn't home on my birthday)! He's still working for USGS, but they asked him to be part of the crew they send down to Sacramento to help with fish tracking down there. He's going to be installing fish monitoring equipment on the Sacramento River. I guess this is a pretty huge project and could effect all of Southern California's water supply. So, go Abe! The only thing that sucks is that obviously he has to be in Sacramento to do this, and he just got back from his first 8 days down there and is staring his first 6 days home. It's awesome to have him home, and hard to not have him around for 8 days, but hopefully it will get easier, and it kind of makes me appreciate him more when he is around, so maybe it will be good. Anyway, I'm very proud of him that he can be part of this, and I'm sure we'll get used to being apart (even if some of those days do inculde Thanksgiving and Christmas :-( ). I know Ika sure does miss him though, and we were both super happy when he came back. Cute puppy! :-)

Thirdly, I want to write about my library jobs, and some of the differences I'm expereiencing in working in a small town library vs. a huge county library system. It's pretty interesting, but takes some getting used to for sure. But I want to devote a whole post to that, so I'll work on getting around to that asap! really! :-)

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the beautiful weather here that is turning fallish. I get to wear sweaters and hats and snuggly fleeces and arm warmers again! Yay! The leaves haven't started turning yet, but the air is clear and crisp and wonderful! Hooray for Fall!!

1 comment:

Tom Campbell said...

Abe should give Bryan a call sometime. Maybe they could meet for dinner or somethning.