Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow and more snow...I'm in a blizzard here people!

Ok, I thought we got a lot of snow a week ago, but boy was I wrong. It has been snowing every day for eight days, and we've still got several more days of snow in the forecast. It's crazy here. We probably have at least two and a half to three feet of snow. I've been lucky enough to be able to trade with someone who lives up in Parkdale, so she's been working my shifts up there and I've been walking to work down here at the Hood River Library. We'll see what this next week brings, but if I don't have to drive, I'm happy not to. We can barely even walk around town. Nobody shovels their sidewalks, and with the plows piling the snow up on all the sidewalks, it's like thigh high. Even with snowshoes it's a freaking workout to walk down the street! But we're loving it and enjoying the heck out of it! Ika loves it too. When she tires to run in the snow that is deeper than her legs, she has to jump up out of it and it's so cute and gives her quite a workout! Anyway, that's the snow update for ya! Lots and lots, and lots more to come! A fabulous way to welcome winter...and our first real winter in seven years! Yay snow!

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