Monday, June 23, 2008

Going to work today

That's right, I got a job!  It's just a part time retail job to earn some sort of income, but it's a job none the less!  I'm working at the Ruddy Duck.  It's right across the street from the library so it's a 10 minute walk to and from work, which is excellent.  I had my first day (2 hours actually) on Saturday and it went really well.  It's a clothing store for men and women and they some really cute stuff, and fortunately for me (or not since I might be tempted to spend my paycheck there) I get 40% off.  (They also own and are connected to an ice cream stand, which could also be dangerous!)  The owners and the people who work there seem really cool, laid back and flexible, so that's great.  I'll be working there about 20 hours a week so I'll still have plenty of time to stalk the Hood River County website waiting for that part time library job to be advertised and to have some fun outdoors.

Speaking of fun outdoors, Abe, Ika, and I went on our first real hike yesterday.  We hiked a mile and a half up a hill to McCall's lookout point (and then back down).  The wildflowers were everywhere and very beautiful and the view from the top of the hill was amazing!  We had a clear view of Mt. Adams, could look straight down the gorge for miles and miles and we would've been able to see Mt. Hood had a giant cloud not been in front of it for most of the time we were up there.  But it was amazing none the less!  Ika loved her first hike!  She was tearing up and down the trail having a great time and being a good girl (except when she was sitting in poison oak, but I guess you can't expect too much out of a 3 month old puppy ;-)  needless to say she got a bath when we got home).  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Amanda, love the pic's, there are some beautiful scenes, the wild flowers are wildly awesome so colorful. Take care until...Elaine Nelson