Thursday, October 23, 2008


It is officially Fall here in Hood River! We've been having, and should continue to have, the most beautiful week of fall weather. The sun is out, the air is crisp and fresh, and the fall colors are out in full force! This is what I had been missing all those falls in Florida. I am now reminded of all the beautiful and fun falls I spent in Indiana, and am glad I can experience this once again. I love this time of year, and when you can be outside and enjoy it, it's even better!

I'd have to say that the beautiful colorful leaves are my favorite. The golden yellows, the firey reds and oranges. I especially love the tress that are multiple colors, in the midst of changing. Some green with some yellow, changing into orange. The most amazing one's I've seen so far are bright orange towards the bottom, with red spreading down toward the orange from the top. They are so amazing and striking and truly remind me of fire.

But the leaves are even more beautiful when the sun is shining on and through them. They light up with a glow that fills me with happiness. The sun also brings warmth to both the temperature and the colors that is missing when it is not there. It feels so good to have the sun shining down on me, and I am reslishing it in case I don't see it for a while this winter.

When I get to walk around in a cozy sweater or jacket or sweatshirt (very few of which I got to wear in Florida, ever), breathe in the clean, crisp, fresh fall air, feel the warmth of the sun, and admire the beautiful colors of the trees and bushes, I feel very happy and content with where I am, and who I am.

Now all I need is a bonfire party to go to! :-)

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