Thursday, July 24, 2008

Back from my interview...

And I think it went pretty well! I got a call last night from the Hood River Library and we set up an interview for today. I interviewed with the director, a librarian, and a library assistant and it seemed to go good. I liked them and I think they liked me, so now we play the wait and see game. They are faster than most bureaucracies I've worked with, so hopefully I'll know in a couple weeks. It's only a part-time library assistant job, but the hours would work great with my other jobs, and I really just want to get back into a library! So wish me luck and keep you fingers crossed for me!

In Ika news, she is officially teething! She's lost several of her baby teeth and we can see several big girl teeth coming in. I went to the store and bought her several new teething toys yesterday, and she seems to like them! She hasn't really destroyed anything, but she did chew a hole in one of the blankets I made. She's being a super duper good girl! She had her last night at Puppy Kindergarten last night and came home with her diploma. She had lots of fun playing with all the puppies and I'm so glad we took her there. She's just so darn cute and sweet and we love her so much! Ok, sorry, enough mushy mushy over our pup. :-)

1 comment:

lismox said...

Congrats Amanda! I hope you find out soon and you get the job.