Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's about time, huh?

Well, that is if you're actually reading this blog. :-) Sorry it's been so long since my last update, but I guess I haven't been very motivated to write. But I'm feeling a little spurt now, so here goes.

What have we been up to? Well, let's see. We had a great 4th of July. We went to a party hosted by one of our new friends here in town. Actually he lives a little above town on a huge property that has a cliff area that overlooks downtown Hood River, which was an excellent spot to watch the fireworks. But the party had much more than that to offer - good beer and food, a kickball game (during which I actually had to go to work, but Abe got to play), a dunk tank, a pool, horseshoes, and a barn turned nightclub. We had a great time and ended up hanging out most of the next day relaxing and playing "whirlpool" in the pool (yeah, that's right - the game you played when you were a kid and everybody ran around the pool in a circle - and it's just as fun as it used to be!). As I mentioned, I did have to go into work for a few hours on the 4th, but it wasn't so bad because it was the "First Friday" of the month when all the downtown businesses have food and drink, so I got to serve (and drink a little) wine. And we were pretty busy because right across the street from the shop is a good hill to watch the fireworks from.

Speaking of work, I just applied for two library jobs. One is an on-call librarian position across the river in Washington. The bad thing is that the system goes all the way west to Vancover, WA, which is just north of Portland, so I really don't want to drive all the way over there, but I would like to work in the libraries closer to Hood River on the Washington side. We'll see if that's possible. Also, the part-time library associate job here in Hood River was finally posted, so I applied for that too. Hopefully they'll see I have experience with SIRSI and hire me right away (since most people think SIRSI is the devil and love anyone who can use it :-). And hopefully they'll see me as a future asset to their library and they won't think I'm overqualified. So, wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed for me!

As far as future plans go, we're planning on taking a backpacking one night camping trip to Mt. St. Helens the weekend of the 18th with Jim and Erin. I'm on a mission to find some decent hiking boots since I don't currently have any and that's a pretty important thing. And I'm looking forward to having my mom come and visit at the end of the month. She'll be our first visitor!

Anyway, I suppose that is all for now. I'll try and write again sooner. Hopefully I'll have some kind of exciting news to report soon!


Tom Campbell said...

We're reading it! Jacquie had the same concerns about her blog. If there were some way to log just who it is that looks in.

Tom and Gail

Doris said...

We read your blog too! Sounds like you had a realy nice 4th. I'm so jealous your Mom is coming to visit! We'll eventually get there. Good Luck on your library jobs.

Amanda said...

Thanks guys! Glad to know I'm not posting to no one. :-) And you're right Tom, I wish there were a least a way to see how many times a post (or the blog) has been viewed or something. I had to talk my mom into coming asap because she probably wouldn't have come till next summer if she didn't come this summer, and I wanted her to see where we live and meet Ika as a puppy. But I'm sure you guys will make it out here very soon - you're much better about planning visits. :-) And thanks for the good luck wishes for my job hunt!