
Other random things I love about my new library:
- Much less bureaucracy. It doesn't take approval from 5 different people to get things done/try new things. There is much less paperwork in general, and virtually none that we have to keep around for years for records (at least paperwork that I have to deal with).
- The flexibility we have in making decisions. When it comes to patron issues, it's basically up to us to decide what we want to do - cancel and work with patrons on fines, issue a limited checkout card for people with no ID, and lots more. We are allowed to check out to people by them just giving us their names. This is sometimes hard for me because I have strong feelings about privacy issues, and sometimes I'm uncomfortable doing this, but for the most part it is very convenient for both us and the patrons.
One bummer:
- The AV collection is lacking. We have no music cd collection at all, which kind of stinks. We do have downloadable audio books and movies, and I think if we did start a music collection, this would be a great way to go. Also, we don't really get very many new feature film type of movies, and coming from my libraries in FL, this is a huge change, and something I miss a lot because I used it all the time! In general the materials budget is very small, which kinda stinks, especially because it was so nice having a big budget in FL and getting all kinds of new stuff.
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