Monday, July 14, 2008

100% Club!

That's what I'm in for taking the Oregon Drivers Test. Abe and I are official Oregon residents now - we got our licenses today! We had to take the written test, so we read the driver's manual and I got a 100%. Abe passed, but didn't do as well as me. :-) Anyway, I'm just glad that's done. One more thing to cross off the list of things to do. Now we just have to work on getting our cars registered.

Speaking of cars, we have good news in that department. Our Jeep is now as far west as Wyoming!! It sat in Florida for over a month, then sat in Georgia for several weeks. Abe thought we might not ever see our Jeep again, but now it looks like it's on it's way to us! We're super excited. Especially because...

Abe got a job!!! He's going to be working for the US Geological Survey in Washington State. This is the location where he'll be working . Anyway, he'll be working on a fish tracking project. The bummer is that he'll have to sit in front of a computer instead of being out in the field, but at least it's a job with a biological focus. (His other option was a kitchen job.) And it's a temporary job, so hopefully he can stick it out for a few months. Then hopefully he can find a field job for next season, and find something to do in between the two. The good news is that we'll have some steady income coming in, which we're starting to need pretty bad. :-)

In Ika news, she's still growing so fast! She's getting really tall. And she's just the biggest sweetie puppy ever! She's such a lover and loves to give kisses and cuddle with us in bed. She loves going on walks and hikes, loves people and other dogs and has to say hello to everyone we pass. Luckily we live in a pretty dog-loving community, and since Ika is so cute most people want to say hi to her too.

More soon!


Tom Campbell said...

Congrats to Abe on the job! Sitting at a computer beats kitchen work any day.

Doris said...

Congratualation to Abe, we are really glad to hear he found a job, and it could lead to something that he would like better.

Congratualtions to Amanda on 100% but that means you can never use the excuse "I didn't know."

Amanda said...

Yay for jobs!

Jacquie, Jason, Andrew and Benjamin said...

Amanda, glad to see you guys are enjoying your move to Oregon. I'm sure it's a relief to have jobs! Thanks for your comments on our website--good to know someone is looking at it. I just haven't figured out how to respond back to a comment yet. Continue having fun!