Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm Obsessed...

With the puppies!! Thanks a lot Tom! ;-) They are soooo freaking cute and I just can't stop watching them. All their little puppy noises and movements and puppy piles (the good kind where they pile on each other :-). They're just so silly and fun! I check on them several times a day and sometimes watch for a while. It's getting kinda ridiculous...but enjoyable!

And of course watching the puppies makes me think of Ika. When I look at the Shibas, I totally see Ika as a baby, but then I look over at her lying on the couch and it seems like a such a long time ago, even though it was only several months ago. They just grow so fast! Sometimes I want Ika to be that small again, and sometimes I'm very glad she's growing up. [Epiphany: maybe this is what it's like to have kids!] Ika still has that puppy energy (even if she is a lanky 60 pound dog now), and is still so super cute, but sometimes I miss being able to hold her in one hand. I also realize how much she missed out on by having all (but one) of her brothers and sisters taken away at 4 weeks. These puppies are having so much fun together!

Anyway, I'm wanting another puppy already! And I just might get one if our place wasn't so small. I just can't imagine two puppies bouncing around in our tiny apartment - mayhem! But when the time comes, a Shiba will for sure be on my list of puppies to consider.

Thank you for sharing your puppies, puppy parents!! This is the greatest internet fad in a long time!


Tom Campbell said...

Maybe you could trade Ika in on a newer model.

Amanda said...

Never! I'll just start a collection, and as soon as the puppy gets big, I'll just get a new one!